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How reliable is Peer Review.? – By Gordon Clarke

You may well say reasonably enough more than any other method.

It may have escaped your attention that its decrees are only opinions.

Opinions from the most learned people can be wrong. Mach of mach number fame never believed in atoms.

The idea of tectonic plates was ridiculed  for twenty years before it was accepted!

I believe some of you are convinced by Big Bang theory and I will now remind you of what you have accepted.

We start at the source of all the space and energy of the entire universe- a tiny spot over 100,000 times smaller than a decimal point! Nothing at all existed before then not even the spot it started from.

This was ‘Justified’ by Penzias and Wilson when CMBR was identified by Harvard’s professor Dicke who had been unsuccessfully searching for it himself. It had been predicted before, that in the first conditions after Big Bang the first photons of light would arise and the radiation should be detected today billions of years later. Since Big Bang did not happen the cause must lie elsewhere. The only incoming radiation from all directions we can be sure of is streams of gravity created since the beginning of mass in the solar system and before that the early universe.  To return to Big Bang after a very short time the there was a sudden immense increase in expansion devised in order to explain why without it the visible universe would not conform with what would happen,  the universe would be evenly homogeneous, but it is in fact lumpy. Mass is arranged in groups and not as evenly spaced as spots on an expanding balloon!

The main justification for the redshift of light is that from Big Bang the universe is expanding to this day.  The problem with this is that at comparatively ‘close’ distances there is no redshift. At The furthest distances observable redshift shows faster and faster recession. This is only explicable if you invent dark matter, dark energy or dark forces that are not known to exist.

The problem is the stubborn belief in expansion.  If we accept that the cause is gravity then we can explain without recourse to pure invention.  Gravity accumulates power and effect by the distance travelled against it by the light.  Thus ‘close by’ in astronomical terms no dip in frequency, further and further away greater and greater effect by gravity on frequency then greater redshift of light.

The logic is all with gravity without doubt and no special pleading. Only dark forces can oppose its acceptance!

The only description of the mechanics of gravity in existence.  Mass originates from the spin of tiny amounts of space spinning and pulling streams of space to itself and thereby maintaining its very existence for evermore.  Black holes are the creation of each galaxy not the reverse.